AnzenStore API Documentation
As of the implementation of S3 REST API support, users can send requests matching the format described in the following documentation pages to perform the currently supported operations. A full list of all supported and not supported actions is listed below.
Requests to the AnzenStore S3 Compatible API must be Authenticated. When making REST API calls directly from your code, you create a signature using valid credentials and include the signature in your request.
To Authenticate requests please provide an Authentication Header for each request. For information on how to do this please refer to the API docs here
Feature Request
This initial version of the AnzenStore S3 Compatible API does not feature support for many useful pieces of functionality. Due to the massive scope of AWS S3, and the relative size of our team, extending our support for more operations will take some time.
We will gradually implement further operations and extend the functionality based on our internal roadmap, however, if you want particular features to be supported as a priority please reach out and let us know which, and what your use case is.